2024年11月28日 星期四
2024年10月15日 星期二
1. 2024,〈滿洲史言隨筆集〉,《中國邊政》230(2024.12),頁95-118。
1. 2020,〈被忽略的蒙古原鄉:保育與持續發展〉,《中國邊政》221(2020.06),頁35-52。
2. 2020,〈滿洲皇帝的漢化與大一統中國觀:乾隆五十三年御製臺灣滿漢文碑的「碑石性研究」〉,《中國邊政》221(2020.06),頁85-132。
3. 2020,〈滿文字典內沒有的字和詞〉,收於廣定遠.孔果洛編,《渤海與肅慎》,臺北:台灣英文新聞股份有限公司,頁461-486。
4. 2019,〈語言與族群性-廣定遠錫伯/滿族認同的研究〉,收於《西域文史》第13輯,頁319-334。
5. 2019, 〈孰是孰非:歐立德《乾隆帝》一書中滿文翻譯的對錯〉,《編譯論叢》12:1(2019.3),頁77-106,另有該期刊載點。
6. 2018,〈身體、語言、族群特質:愛新覺羅.瀛生的滿洲認同研究〉,《中國邊政》216 (2018/12), 頁 57-124。
7. 2017, "The Term Mongγol Revisited", Central Asiatic Journal, vol. 60, No. 1-2 , pp. 183-206.
8. 2014,〈康熙遺詔中所見大清皇帝的中國觀〉,汪榮祖主編,《清帝國性質的再商榷—回應新清史》,桃園:國立中央大學出版中心,頁109-114。
9. 2011,〈滿洲漢化:臺灣乾隆御碑研究〉,中國社會科學研究院近代史研究所政治史研究室編,《清代滿漢關係研究》,北京:社會科學文獻出版社,頁603-612。
8. 2006,〈「正統」之源:滿洲入關前後王權思想之發展與蒙藏轉輪王觀念之關係考辨〉,汪榮祖、林冠群主編,《民族認同與文化融合》,嘉義:國立中正大學台灣人文研究中心,頁119-174。
9. 2002, Review of Pamela Crossley, The Manchus (Oxford: Blackwell, 1999) in Journal of Oriental Studies, vol. XXXVII, No. 1 (1999), Centre of Asian Studies, Hong Kong University, pp. 89-92.
10. 2001,〈滿文羅馬字拼寫芻議〉,閻崇年主編,《滿學研究》,第六冊,北京:民族出版社,頁50-68。
11. 2000, "The dGe-lugs-pa Breakthrough: The Uluk Darxan Nangsu Lama's Mission to the Manchus.", Central Asiatic Journal, vol. 44 No. 2, pp. 161-176.
12. 1999, "The romanization of early Manchu regnalnames", Studia Orientalia, vol. 87, pp. 133-148.
13. 1999, "The Sino-Manchu Inscription of 1630 inHonour of the Uluk Darxan Nangsu Lama", International Journal of Central Asian Studies, vol. 4.
甘德星老師,1954年9月出生於香港,畢業於臺灣大學歷史系,師從李學智、陳捷先等學者。之後赴日本京都大學擔任研修員,師承谷川道雄、河內良弘、萩原淳平諸位專家。1984年,甘老師負笈美國,進入哈佛大學東亞系攻讀碩士及博士學位,原預定由傅禮初(Joseph Fletcher)指導,但因傅禮初逝世,轉由柯立夫(Francis Woodman Cleaves)與孔飛力(Philip Alden Kuhn)指導。在攻讀博士期間,甘老師亦曾赴中國大陸向愛新覺羅.瀛生、劉建新等諸位老師學習。1994年,甘老師取得哈佛大學博士學位,隨後於香港科技大學人文學部任教,並曾擔任香港中文大學兼任助理教授。2004年,甘老師至臺灣的國立中正大學歷史系任教,直至2020年退休。退休後返回香港,逝世於香港,享年68歲。
2024年9月28日 星期六
2024年8月1日 星期四
【備份一】Wayback Machine網頁備份連結(20240731存檔)
2024年7月29日 星期一
2010年6月18日 星期五
2010年6月16日 星期三
2010年6月14日 星期一
CUHK Manchu Lanuage Course Description
Manchu Documents (Elementary)
This is the first half of a year-long course that helps you read Manchu documents. In this semester, we will focus on documents written in the pointed script.
From weeks 1-3, you will learn the basics of the language, including writing and pronunciation. From weeks 3-6 we will study the postpositions and suffixes through basic sentence patterns, simple conversations and short texts. The remaining 6-7 weeks will be devoted to reading historical documents, including the Tongki fuqa sindaxa hergen-i dangse, known commonly as the Man-wen lao-tang; archival materials such as edicts and memorials; and other kinds of writings that you may find interesting to read (folk epics, shamanistic prayers, Buddhist sutras, St. Mark’s Gospel, phrase books, works on anatomy, musical lyrics etc.)
There is no prerequisite for the course. A good command of both Chinese and English is, however, presumed. You are reminded that a reading knowledge of a language typologically similar to Manchu such as Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Uighur or Tibetan , though not essential, would help you understand the Manchu syntax and morphology better. Upon request, we might use, besides Manchu-Chinese materials, some other bilingual (Manchu-Japanese, Manchu-Korean, Manchu-Mongolian, Manchu-Tibetan) or multi-lingual texts in class to bring home certain grammatical features peculiar to the Manchu language.
Manchu Documents (Advanced)
This course is a continuation of “Manchu Documents (Elementary).” The focus is on Manchu texts written in the unpointed script, including the Tongki fuqa aqô hergen-i dangse, stele inscriptions, and newly discovered documents written in Old Manchu. You will also learn how to use native Manchu dictionaries and will be introduced to reference works essential to deciphering unregistered vocables that might crop up from time to time in the texts.
Though not a prerequisite, a reading knowledge of French, German and Russian would be helpful in using some of the reference works introduced in the course.